



Course name Start date Availability
CPD Training Reserve List 30th June 2025

*indicates mandatory fields

To be completed by the teacher that intends to attend the CPD session or download the resources.


First Name of teacher attending CPD*

Last Name of teacher attending CPD*

Job Title / Role of teacher attending CPD*

Mobile of teacher attending CPD

Email of teacher attending CPD*

Head teacher's full name*

Head teacher's email address*

To be completed for the school where the lessons will be delivered.

If you are applying for a multi-academy trust, please complete 1 application per school.


Are 25% or more of students at your school from ethnic minorities?*

Does your school already have LEGO® Education SPIKE Prime Sets?

To be completed by the teacher that intends to deliver the programme lessons.

Do you consent to the sharing of the information from this application with the partners of Coding Success (The Smallpeice Trust, Raising Robots, BAE Systems and the Royal Air Force)?

Do you agree to:

  1. attend the CPD session
  2. share an update, including videos, images, or feedback, of your experiences
  3. deliver the programme, aiming for 60 pupils to attend
  4. complete and return the evaluations provided by The Smallpeice Trust
  5. if the above requirements aren't met, you will be responsible for the costs of returning the Lego Spike Prime Kits

Do you consent to the sharing of media (videos, images, and text) and evaluation data from your participation in Coding Success with the partners of Coding Success (BAE Systems, the Royal Air Force, The Smallpeice Trust, and Raising Robots)?

We will seek your explicit permission, and the permission of anyone that appears, to use any media you share in promotional materials. If you choose not to give permission for us to use your media in promotional materials, this will not affect your eligibility for Coding Success.

Please review our Privacy Policy if you would like to know more about how we handle and secure data.

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*Mandatory field