10th January 2019
Word on the street is that we’ve officially launched our Think Kits! Now I’m sure you’ll have heard all about them but let me give you a bit more detail. The clue’s in the name really, it’s a kit…that requires a bit of thought to put together!

The kits are designed with Year 8 and 9 in mind, (that’s 12 and 13-year-olds), and they have enough resources for up to 20 students. That’s not to say that you can’t get parents, grandparents, teachers or friends involved. The subject content complements the National Curriculum in science, technology, engineering and maths which is why we say it is best suited to Year 8 and 9 but it’s up to you who you choose to support your efforts.
So, the gist is, you get a box of tricks to design and build an electrically powered glider, that travels the furthest over two flights made within 10 minutes of each other. The beauty of the Think Kit is that you are provided with all the project materials, worksheets and instructions to make the glider, you just need to provide your own scissors and glue guns and wotnot. Oh, and a bit of time to do it!
The project lasts for up to nine weeks and there are enough materials to build five powered gliders for a STEM club of 20 participants, split into five teams of four.
The project consists of four main elements:
- Designing the glider
- Building the glider
- Trimming, testing and flying the glider
- The competition
The kit covers all sorts of cool stuff like shapes and sizes, measurements, design calculations, aerodynamics, weight distribution and trimming for flight. Imagine wowing your friends with a bit of that!
So, what are you waiting for? Get involved and share your progress! #ThinkkitThursday