

18th September 2024

Exploring Engineering Through the Smallpeice Trust Engineering Experience Course: Oscar's Journey

Oscar, a 13-year-old student, recently attended the Engineering Experience - North course offered by Smallpeice Trust. The course provided him with hands-on exposure to various fields of engineering, helping him deepen his interest in energy engineering and robotics. In this case study, Oscar reflects on his experience and shares his thoughts about the course, including what he learned, his inspiration, and advice for future participants. 

Huge thank you to IMI Truflo Marine, the funders of this exciting course, who have enabled students like Oscar to explore potential career pathways within engineering.

An Enriching University Experience:  

Oscar discovered the course through his mother, who had been actively searching for summer opportunities related to engineering. She found this course online and thought it would be a great fit. It turned out to be an enriching experience, exposing him to new areas of learning and practical activities. Oscar particularly enjoyed the modules on space and hydrogen, topics he was already passionate about. He appreciated how the course deepened his knowledge in these areas. 

Key Takeaways and Skill Development:  

One of Oscar's biggest takeaways from the course was learning about energy engineering and how energy can be converted into fuel. This topic fascinated him, and the practical, real-world scenarios provided during the course helped him better understand the subject. Beyond technical knowledge, Oscar also developed crucial teamwork skills, learning how to effectively collaborate with his peers by sticking to assigned roles and helping one another achieve common goals. 

Inspiration from a Diverse Learning Environment:  

The course offered Oscar the chance to learn about the wide range of roles available in the engineering field. He found the career talks from IMI particularly inspiring, as they provided a glimpse into what life is like as a professional engineer. This broader perspective further fueled his ambition to pursue a career in engineering, solidifying his interest in energy engineering and robotics. 

Enjoyable Stay and Campus Life:  

Oscar's stay at the university added to the overall positive experience. Having his own room and bathroom was a welcome change from previous experiences where he had to share with multiple people. This comfort, combined with the opportunity to socialize with other students in the accommodation, made his time more enjoyable. The facilities at the university, according to Oscar, were excellent, contributing to a pleasant stay. 

Summing Up the Course:  

When asked to sum up the course in three words, Oscar chose "Interesting, fun, independence." These words reflect both the academic and personal growth he experienced during the program. The independence of staying in university accommodation and managing his own schedule was a valuable aspect of his time, complementing the engaging and enjoyable learning activities. 

Career Aspirations and Engineering Insight:  

Oscar has always been interested in becoming an engineer, and attending this course solidified his decision. His fascination with programming, coupled with his desire to learn how things are made and how they can be improved, aligns with his ambition to pursue a career in energy engineering or robotics. The course gave him deeper insights into these fields and reinforced his passion for innovation and problem-solving. 

Encouragement for Future Participants:  

Oscar encourages other students who are considering applying for a Smallpeice Trust residential course to go for it. According to him, the course is a perfect mix of learning and fun, providing an opportunity to make new friends, develop teamwork skills, and enjoy excellent accommodation. He believes that for anyone interested in pursuing engineering, this course is an excellent step towards exploring potential career paths and gaining valuable knowledge and experience. 

Oscar's experience with the Engineering Experience - North course was both rewarding and informative. From learning about energy engineering to developing teamwork and independent living skills, the course has left a lasting impact on him. His passion for engineering, particularly in energy and robotics, has only grown stronger, and he encourages other young aspiring engineers to take advantage of similar opportunities. 


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