Fully Funded Places

The Smallpeice Trust wants all young people to be able to take part in its programmes. Where possible, fully funded bursary places are offered on paid events.

We are grateful to our partners that support the course programme to help make the course places affordable for more students. Some partners offer additional funded places on courses, helping us to give more young people the opportunity to attend.

The Dr Cosby Smallpeice bursary is funded by the Trust, with a commitment to offer 10% of places fully funded on courses.

Whether funded by The Trust or our partners, places are limited and are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

Who is eligible?

For the course programme the following criteria are used to determine eligibility for fully funded places:

  • Current home postcode sits in the lowest 20% of the Index of Multiple Deprivation, you can use the following links to check (or please contact us if you are unsure)
    • England - enter your postcode, IMD decile must be 1 or 2
    • Scotland - enter your postcode, SIMD area must be 1
    • Northern Ireland - enter your postcode, must be ranked 178 or below
    • Wales - enter your postcode, must be ranked 382 or below
  • Is a member of a travelling family
  • Lives or raised in Local Authority care
  • Eligible for Free Schools Meals 
  • Is a Young Carer
  • Household is in receipt of a total of £6,000 or more of Universal Credit payments per year

Independent School students meeting one of the above criteria are ineligible for funded places unless they can also evidence that they’re in receipt of a full bursary for school fees.

How to apply?

If you meet the above criteria, please contact our event administration team on info@smallpeicetrust.org.uk to provide evidence of eligibility and tell them which course you would like to apply for a funded place on.

What is included?

For a residential course, each bursary place includes accommodation, meals for the duration of your stay, a programme of academic sessions and practical activities, and fun social activities. Currently travel to a course needs to be self-funded, although on some occasions travel bursaries are available (these will be clearly indicated as part of the course communications).

For a virtual course, bursary places will include being posted any kit required to take part and the programme of academic sessions, practical activities and talks from industry experts.

Please see the course pages for more details.

How have students found attending?

'I can't choose a favourite, talking to professionals personally was cool, I was able to socialise well when I thought I was bad at it and there's definitely more that I loved!'  Soha, 14

'I enjoyed making friends and spending time solving challenges.'  Rendys, 14

'I liked making and designing the radios and soldering for the first time.'  Vismaya, 13


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*Mandatory field